My Bigfoot Journey

My Bigfoot Journey

I saw the Patterson film when I was a little boy. Not just the clip; the whole big 2-hour long documentary that was released in theaters. I have been looking for Bigfoot ever since.

In 2005, I moved to a wooded property on the edge of the big, beautiful Kisatchie National Forest in central Louisiana. I call my place Kisatchie's Edge. A Bigfoot statue sits near the driveway at the front of the place to greet all guests. 

I have heard there are real live Bigfoots in the Kisatchie. Two local guys wrote a book about them a few years back. One of those "search for Bigfoot" TV shows did an episode nearby, with no success. I have hiked dozens of times in various locations within the Kisatchie, but no sightings yet.

Recently, I wrote a children's storybook called The Rap on Kisatchie Bigfoot. A talented composer friend collaborated with me to produce a fun song of the same title. Before I knew it, I was designing all sorts of products to open this shop.

Everything is an adventure if you treat it that way. It's been fun; I hope it all provides you some fun, too.

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